We are a group of Coventry residents who care about the protection and preservation of our trees, green spaces and woodlands.
We have found that there are many other people in Coventry who share our interest and concerns and we hope that together we can raise awareness to the importance of our trees. We are in touch with a number of local and national groups as well as organisations like The Woodland Trust. We hope to regularly post up to date information relating to trees and their well-being and hence provide a local reference site.
We really want to hear from likeminded Coventry residents, so please get in touch, tell us about your favourite trees, send us your pictures and we'll add them to the blog.
A number of people have suggested a Tree Warden Scheme and we are looking into this. Please let us know if you would be intersted in taking part.
If you would like to join or contact us, please feel free to email us.